Auracle for X-Series Deep Dive: Pt. 5: Filter & Remap MIDI

Auracle for X-Series

Deep Dive

Part 5: Filter & Remap MIDI

What is Auracle for X-Series?

Auracle for X-Series is the free control software that allows you to set up and configure your iConnectivity audio and MIDI Interfaces. In this new video series, we’ll be walking through all the features of Auracle for X-Series so you know exactly how to set up and configure your interface. 

In this video, we’ll be taking a look at the Filter & Remap page, and how you can easily transform your MIDI data by filtering out data and remapping data to different MIDI channels.

While we show MIDI filtering and remapping using a MioXM, the process is the same, no matter what interface you have. The only difference is the number of inputs and outputs on your interface.

Before we dive into today’s video make sure you’ve downloaded Auracle for X-Series and installed it on your computer. 

Entering the Filter & Remap Page

With your interface connected to your computer, click the Filter & Remap button to enter the Filter & Remap page.

Understanding the Filter & Remap Page

While you can accomplish complex tasks using the Filter & Remap page, the layout of the page and the process is simple and easy to follow.

At the most basic level, the Filter & Remap page is made up of a list of our inputs and outputs. Clicking on Input at the top left will show you a list of all available inputs on the page, while clicking Output, will show you a list of all available outputs on your interface.

Again, it’s worth noting that the number of inputs and outputs available depends on the interface you have connected.

Filtering Incoming MIDI Data

To start, let’s look at filtering incoming MIDI data. This allows us to remove certain MIDI messages from happening on certain MIDI channels.

Let’s say we want to remove MIDI Note Off messages on MIDI channel 10 from the keyboard connected to DIN 1on our interface.

We’ll click on DIN 1 under the Input Section to select that input.

By default, Filter will be selected. If not, click Filter on the right-hand side of the page. With Filter selected, click on the MIDI channel and message you want filtered out. In the example below, I’m filtering out Note Off messages on MIDI channel 10 from my keyboard connected to DIN 1 input.

If you wanted, you could filter even more messages from this input, or select another input and filter messages from it as well.

Let’s say our MIDI controller sends a pesky message that interferes with our current setup and we have no way of disabling that message on our controller. We can use the Filter page to easily disable that MIDI message on all MIDI channels quickly.

For example, let’s filter out all Pitch Bend messages from our MIDI controller connected to DIN 1. With DIN 1 selected under our Filter options, Click the All button on the Pitch Bend row. This quickly filters out all Pitch Bend messages on all MIDI channels.

Filtering Outputs

In addition to filtering incoming MIDI data, we can filter out MIDI data from our MIDI outputs as well. To start, click Output on the top left of the screen.

With our output selected, and Filter selected to the right, we can make any MIDI filtering we’d like by clicking individual MIDI messages and channels or using the All button to quickly filter a type of message on all channels.

Remapping MIDI Channels

In addition to filtering out MIDI messages, you can remap messages from one channel to another. This is beneficial in more complex settings where you want to avoid conflicting MIDI messages and helps when working with MIDI gear that you need to customize further than the built-in menus allow for. To get started choose Remap from the right side of the screen.

In this example, let’s remap Program Change messages from Channel 2 to Channel 10. To start, click on Channel 2 in the Program Change row.

You’ll see a dropdown area with numbers. These are the channels we want to re-map to. In this example, we want to remap to channel 10, so let’s click the number 10 in the dropbox menu.

With this, we’ve remapped program changes from channel 2 to channel 10.

We can also remap MIDI outputs as well. To choose your outputs select output from the left side of the screen with Remap selected. The process for remapping outputs is the same as inputs.

Starting Over

In the case that you went too far with your filtering or remapping, or if you’re using a system that you’re not used to and want to start over, you can use the Clear All button to remove the filter or remap for your inputs or outputs.

In the upper right-hand corner of the page, you’ll see the Clear All button. Click this button. This will clear all filtering if you’re on the filter page, or clear all the MIDI channel remapping if on the Remap page.


Stick around as we continue our deep-dive in Auracle for X-Series. In our next video, we will take a look at saving and managing Presets on our interfaces.

Will Doggett